Editor's Note
Khads Ark as an entity represents my odyssey to a creative space I’ve curated to suit my interests and passions. A combination of writing, media production, fashion, art, and music creates room for me to thrive creatively and share my creations with the world. The process of turning a vision into reality has always been something I am fond of and as I enter a new decade in my life this is a process I will continue to prioritise.
The name Khads Ark is an ode to my middle name ‘Khadija’, which I was given after my maternal grandmother. I am a testament to the women in my family who have poured into me since the day of my birth. The women who encouraged me to be outspoken, educated, and confident, the women who encouraged my passion for literature and my love for the performing arts. The Ark in itself represents a haven for the creations of the world. That’s why I wanted this platform to be a haven for creatives to showcase their talent in a way that is authentic to themselves. Preserving art to outlive us. So with that, I welcome you to the Ark… Khads Ark.